Tag Archives: handsome-lil

Throwback Preciousness: Guess Which Breakout Star This Lil Man Grew Up To Become?

Guess Which Breakout Star Shared This Throwback Thursday Photo? This handsome lil bow-tied tot has exploded onto the small screen in 2015 via a very popular new television show. In addition to being a rising Hollyweird star, he’s also an aspiring artist and has made quite the splash with his original music thus far on both YouTube and iTunes. Any guesses as to who this pint-sized prince grew up to become? Hit the flip to see if you’re right.

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Throwback Preciousness: Guess Which Breakout Star This Lil Man Grew Up To Become?

Guess This Preciousness: Who Is My Rapper Daddy?

This handsome lil man Who Is My Rapper Daddy? This handsome lil man is the son of a down south rapper who has been on the scene for quite some time. He recently made his way back onto the music scene after taking a long, involuntary hiatus when he got into some serious legal trouble. He’s now back in the studio and has been popping up as a guest feature on tracks with some of your favorites artists. Any guesses as to who this pint-sized prince calls “daddy?” Continue reading