Tag Archives: happens-next

Drunk Girl Fake Fall During Ma Carina of the Day

Here’s an America’s Funniest video that never actually went viral – at least not that I know of – of what looks like a drunk girl at the cottage doing a little Ma Carina on the couch with her friends for her dad…you know it’s what dad’s make all their 18 year old daughters do for them after getting them drunk… But then again, there is no dad in the sidelines of the video, so maybe my story is entirely fabricated…who can tell…but someone had to hold the video camera…of girl right when the ROOFIES kicked in…so that she doesn’t remember what happens next…. Hey Ma Carina…. The 90s song, turn Bar Mitzvah and Wedding choreographed dance, turned fail video….legendary… The post Drunk Girl Fake Fall During Ma Carina of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Drunk Girl Fake Fall During Ma Carina of the Day

Lindsay Lohan Released from Rehab

Matthew Wilder must be psyched. Lindsay Lohan has been released from her court-mandated stay in UCLA Rehab Center after just 23 days. Lohan’s attorney is due in court today to discuss what happens next , but if all goes according to plan — there are rumors of continued outpatient treatment — the star will be free to make sexual advances toward a German shepherd in Wilder’s Linda Lovelace biopic, Inferno . Added bonus: Lohan’s also free to participate in the press push for Machete . Everyone wins! [ TMZ , Huffington Post ]

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Lindsay Lohan Released from Rehab