Tag Archives: happily-on-less

Help Design, Build an Ultra-Low Footprint Apartment: The LifeEdited Project (Slideshow)

TreeHugger founder Graham Hill is trying to radically reduce his footprint and live happily on less money with less space, less stuff and less waste — but with more design. He calls it ” LifeEdited .” Graham wants to find the best ideas and suggestions from readers. Using “social co-creation” or crowdsourcing on the Jovoto competition platform, he’s launching a design competition of ideas — with prizes for the best ones, which will then be implemented in the renovation. TreeHugger is proud to be a media sponsor of the project — and now, the Jo… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Originally posted here:
Help Design, Build an Ultra-Low Footprint Apartment: The LifeEdited Project (Slideshow)