Tag Archives: renovation

Meet Hottie Brittany Mason

I have no clue who Brittany Mason is, but if she’s inviting Esquire over for their “Me In My Place” series, she must be famous for something. If I had to guess, I’d say it’s for looking hot. And according to Wikipedia, I was right, she’s a model and former Miss Indiana. Anyway, I’m in the middle of doing some work on my apartment, and these pictures inspired me. I think I just realized what I need to finish the renovation: Brittany Mason in lingerie. It’d really tie the place together. » view all 18 photos

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Meet Hottie Brittany Mason

A “Lil Positivity” Shakira Makes It Rain Charitable Stacks On Haiti To The Tune Of $400,000

It’s good to see that people are still keeping Haiti’s needs on their mind. Colombian singer Shakira danced with students in Haiti on Thursday as she celebrated the renovation of a historic Catholic girls school damaged in the country’s devastating 2010 earthquake. With her song “Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)” playing over loudspeakers, the Grammy-winning, hip-shaking pop star grooved with students from the Elie Dubois high school in downtown Port-au-Prince. Her Barefoot Foundation, which helps child victims of violence and disasters, and the Inter-American Development Bank each donated $400,000 to restore the high school. “I’m convinced that the key to a dignified future for Haiti is through education,” said Shakira, 34, wearing a black T-shirt and matching jeans. The nine-classroom, 250-student school was built in 1913, and was the first in Haiti to provide vocational training for girls, officials said. Construction is expected to begin in two months and will take up to 14 months to complete. Organizers have yet to put out bids. Said one student of the sexy Colombian’s charitable donation: “It’s so nice that we have a star coming and that she’s coming to help the school,” said Joselourdes Jean-Paul, a 19-year-old student. “With the new school, we’re going to learn more and learn better.” This is a beautiful gesture and we hope more people follow suit as Haiti has a long way to go before they full recover from the destruction they’ve suffered. However, if she really wants to make some big money she should ahv a fund-raising shake off live on TV with Bey Bey. Bet that’ll open those wallets. Source

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A “Lil Positivity” Shakira Makes It Rain Charitable Stacks On Haiti To The Tune Of $400,000

Repurposed Stove Turned Into High Power Entertainment System

Images Credit Tyler Held TreeHugger loves repurposing, even more than recycling. Artists and designers have the opportunity to challenge us with new ideas, new ways of looking at what we used to throw away. But can one have too much of a good thing? Designboom writes that Philadelphia designer Tyler Held “focuses on his process of repair and customization. he exposes the renovation of a once discarded object by highlighting functional and aesthetic hybridity.” In this case, he creates a hybrid between an old stove and a m… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Repurposed Stove Turned Into High Power Entertainment System

Andrew Maynard’s Mash House Lands In Backyard

Images by Kevin Hui via Andrew Maynard Architects TreeHugger Best of Green Young Architect Andrew Maynard is building a body of interesting work in Australia; the latest is the Mash House, an addition and renovation. With its curved base and top, it looks like it was just dropped there, but in fact was very carefully knitted into the existing building…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Andrew Maynard’s Mash House Lands In Backyard

Help Design, Build an Ultra-Low Footprint Apartment: The LifeEdited Project (Slideshow)

TreeHugger founder Graham Hill is trying to radically reduce his footprint and live happily on less money with less space, less stuff and less waste — but with more design. He calls it ” LifeEdited .” Graham wants to find the best ideas and suggestions from readers. Using “social co-creation” or crowdsourcing on the Jovoto competition platform, he’s launching a design competition of ideas — with prizes for the best ones, which will then be implemented in the renovation. TreeHugger is proud to be a media sponsor of the project — and now, the Jo… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Originally posted here:
Help Design, Build an Ultra-Low Footprint Apartment: The LifeEdited Project (Slideshow)

Upcoming ReuseConex Conference Covers the Important Rs

We spend a lot of time on TreeHugger about adaptive reuse, designing for deconstruction, creative upcycling and repurposing, the connection between reuse and climate change, and even reuse as “the original green job.” You’ve read the blog, now attend Reuse-Conex – the “First of its kind conference highlighting reuse.”… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Upcoming ReuseConex Conference Covers the Important Rs