Tag Archives: hard-on-twitter

Diddy Promises To Make It Rain In Miami, But Will His Baby Mamas Let Him Drop Them Dollas???

Diddy had a lot going on Thursday — between Heavy D’s birthday, his son Justin’s high school graduation and a plot to give away $2 million dollars. Diddy went hard on Twitter yesterday promoting a weekend of Ciroc sponsored parties in Miami and Las Vegas and was inspired to even promise a hefty giveaway: Diddy tweeted his support of the “stripper association” and offered to give regular civilians some tips too to pay their unpaid student loans, rent and weave funds. But after a few folks took Diddy a lil too seriously he backed off his promise. Diddy tweeted that he was only joking and that Misa, Kim and Sarah would eff him up if he gave up that much of their child support. No worries to the strippers though, y’all are still getting caked on. SMH. Pure comedy. Diddy is a hot mess. But kinda funny to hear him say his baby moms would eff him up. And we thought that aside from Misa, he had them ladies under control. Guess the secret’s out. Speaking of Misa, hit the flip for some proud Daddy tweets about Justin’s graduation.

Originally posted here:
Diddy Promises To Make It Rain In Miami, But Will His Baby Mamas Let Him Drop Them Dollas???