Tag Archives: hate-the-show

Vienna Girardi Bikini Ass of the Day

Here is some attention whore named Vienna Girardi’s ass in her bikini…. She’s from the show The Bachelor…which pretty much means she’s trying to get noticed, because bitches don’t sign-up for that shit lookin’ for love, but instead sign-up looking to be famous, cuz there’s a breed of pussy that think they have what it takes to make it, they just haven’t had the right exposure to date or some shit… I hate the show The Bachelor. I find it disgusting. I don’t understand why any network in the USA would co-sign, produce and release it to the public, especially when that network is ABC, which is some Disney owned shit…. I have no morals, I love fucking whores, I love doing dirty things in general and I don’t mind being seen as a creep, freak or pervert but I expect the mainstream media to have morals, because that’s what America is all about, it is the American way, you know, the balance of the hypocrisy of the super Christian wholesome existance and the reality that everyone is sex crazed money hungry perverts… So whenever this shit hits and I see a group of girls slutting out for the attention of one dude…and the American public, all while America watches intensely…Part of me realizes we have some fucking hope… and that one day girls won’t get mad when you date them and 10 other girls at the same time, but also that TV will mimic real life…which in your case makes for some real boring programming…cuz watching a motherfucker jerk off on his computer before taking out the trash before having dinner with his mom is not that stimulating…but it is exciting when the prude shit shoved down our throats slowly loosens-up so that one day I’ll see fucking on primetime… SO I’m not too sure if The Bachelor is the fall of society or breaking down boudaries…I just know I hate the shit…but then again…I’m not a married woman in a 9 to 5 job looking for some excitement cuz emotionally eating isn’t cutting it for me anymore… To See the Pictures – Follow THis Link GO

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Vienna Girardi Bikini Ass of the Day