Aubrey O’Day is a ditch pig who you would assume just got raped by a trucker and thrown out after dude was done with her….leaving her deep in the mud to cool off and fish around for something to eat cuz she just can’t stop eating…at least based on her body…and I am sure that stems from hating herself, feeling sorry for herself….all while pretending to be a glorious DIVA….who gets to film music videos and sing songs badly….like some kind of joke…because she plays the game right….when really the only game she should be playing is doing squats….on my dick…till she drops 50 lbs…. I hate fat chicks and I hate Aubrey O’Day….SHe’s the worst. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK
Continued here:
Aubrey O’Day is a Busty Pig on Set of her Music Video of the Day