Tag Archives: having-it-work

Sarah McDaniel Naked for Treats! of the Day

Sarah McDaniel has 500,000 INSTAGRAM FOLLOWERS because instagram is a hub that anyone can be someone – if they post slutty enough pictures, buy followers and get naked for influential photographers…and once they get enough of an audience they can get a modeling agency, and the occassional skinny TEA or Protein campaign – and the whole thing is pretty fucking stupid…and exhausting….especailly since there are thousands of girls who are just as hot, if not hotter, doing it better. It’s all fucking contrived, fake, bullshit, even their faces look clown like and old, but they keep doing it because maybe they’ll get their hit music video job – so that they can outshine all other internet models. The whole thing is fucking dumb, it’s just fetish porn, of girls in nice setting guys want to fuck, and follow because other people follow them – viral in the worst way… I probably just prefer the girls trying to pull off the Sarah mcDaniel, assuming anyone even knows who she is by name, or cares…because clearly the number of instagram followers a model has, doesn’t have anything to do with the amount of money she makes modelling, because girls who are working models, don’t bother self promoting themselves like a bunch of fucking attention seeking hookers, trying to get noticed by the one dude who has a wallet, they are too busy already making money….but she thinks they know and care… I prefer all the fringe instagram models, are just doing that shit for free, to get followers, or likes, but aren’t having it work for them – so they still work as cashiers at Walmart…or the local Olive Garden… This one’s too far gone to be awesome, but she’s naked in TREATS! VIA TREATS! The post Sarah McDaniel Naked for Treats! of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Sarah McDaniel Naked for Treats! of the Day

Olivia Culpo Bikini Top on a Boat of the Day

Olivia Culpo is some MISS USA, Nick Jonas fucked who is also a NUDE MODEL FOR A MAGAZINE , trying to get more and more high profile, and having it work, because the world is pretty fucking basic and the tactics needed to get a career after already fucking a Jonas Brother, is as simple as getting naked..it has worked so fucking well for all these instagram whores… Post the bikini to pics, keep your fans engaged, it’s simple, you basic thirsty, famewhoring sugar baby…. The post Olivia Culpo Bikini Top on a Boat of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Olivia Culpo Bikini Top on a Boat of the Day