Tag Archives: haymitch-photo

Selena Gomez Music Video Pics: Retro and Sexy!

Take THIS, Justin Bieber ! Selena Gomez has been spotted on the set of a new music video in Palmdale, California… and her ex-boyfriend may wanna think twice about the couple’s split, following this look at the young artist in various outfits. There she is leaving far over. There she is in a revealing top. Oh, and there she is in a retro, VERY short skit, donning sunglasses and looking rather fine. Browse through the following photos now – and take note, Ella-Paige Roberts Clarke .

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Selena Gomez Music Video Pics: Retro and Sexy!

Catching Fire Portrait, Take 2: It’s Haymitch!

The Catching Fire promotional train has officially left the platform. One day after Lionsgate debuted a photo of Elizabeth Banks as Effie Trinket , and revived its Capitol Couture blog, the studio has unveiled a new portrait of Woody Harrelson as everyone’s favorite mentoring drunk… … HAYMITCH ABERNATHY! The Hunger Games sequel hits theaters on November 22 and it’s safe to assume portraits of stars Jennifer Lawrence , Liam Hemsworth and Josh Hutcherson can’t be far behind. We can’t wait.

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Catching Fire Portrait, Take 2: It’s Haymitch!