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Who Looked More Bangin’ At WE tv’s #GUHH/Marriage Bootcamp Premiere?

Source: Jerod Harris / Getty WE tv’s “Growing Up Hip Hop”/”Marriage Boot Camp: Hip Hop Edition” Premiere Party Stars flooded L.A. this week for a party celebrating the return of two WE tv shows. West Hollywood’s Nightingale nightclub was filled to the brim with stars from “Growing Up Hip Hop” and “Marriage Boot Camp: Hip Hop Edition.” “Marriage Bootcamp: Hip Hop Edition” cast members in attendance included Waka and Tammy… Source: Jerod Harris / Getty Jessica Dime… Source: Jerod Harris / Getty Nia Riley… Source: Jerod Harris / Getty and Lil Mo and her braided boxer bae. Source: Jerod Harris / Getty As for the “Growing Up Hip Hop” cast Angela Simmons, of course, stopped by… Source: Jerod Harris / Getty as well as Pepa… Source: Jerod Harris / Getty and her daughter Egypt. Source: Jerod Harris / Getty Tonight, January 10, the network’s hit “Growing Up Hip Hop” will return and feature the stars facing tough life events. Angela’s world is rocked when she suffers the shocking loss of Sutton Tennyson and her friend Romeo steps in to pick up the pieces. Boogie betrays his family to avoid his father Dame and a family dispute between the Pepa’s comes to a head at Romeo’s yacht party causing fists to fly. Source: Jerod Harris / Getty Following #GUHH, stay tuned for “Marriage Boot Camp: Hip Hop Edition” to see celebrity couples; Waka and Tammy, Soulja Boy and Nia Riley, Fizz and Tiffany Campbell, Jessica Dime and Shawne Williams and Lil Mo and Karl Dargan put the spotlight on their relationships. Things get intense when Dr. Ish and Dr. V challenge them to face their issues head-on with a plethora of surprises on the way. Source: Jerod Harris / Getty You can watch the dramatic two-hour “Growing Up Hip Hop” premiere  Thursday, January 10 at 8:00 on WE tv. Following that stay tuned for the “Marriage Boot Camp: Hip Hop Edition” premiere at 10.   Source: Jerod Harris / Getty More photos on the flip.

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Who Looked More Bangin’ At WE tv’s #GUHH/Marriage Bootcamp Premiere?