Tag Archives: heads-shoved

Kendall Jenner’s Ass at Coachella of the Day

As fun as Coachella seems if you are into horrible crowded places filled with horrible people…who think they are connecting with something organic and amazing, even revolutionary, all corporate sponsored, because they have their heads shoved so far up their asses, asses that they don’t mind showing the world, because cut off jean shorts are still the Coachella style, reminiscent of the hippies they are channelling, but designer and 300 dollars a pair, to make it ok…and here’s Kendall Jenner crying for attention, playing around like she’s not paralyzed by her rich and famousness, because she’s amongst like-minded people….pretty awful, but I dig ass cheeks even when on 16 year old girls at Starbucks…I mean especially on 16 year old girls at Starbucks…because it’s not illegal to stare at their exhibitionism… Anyway, week two Coachella is happening, because they don’t make enough money week one, it’s like they found their scam now milk it…

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Kendall Jenner’s Ass at Coachella of the Day