Tag Archives: heidi-watney

NBKOTB: Tennis Channel’s Cari Champion Has Been Chosen To Host ESPN’s “First Take” Full-Time With Stephen A. Smith And Skip Bayless

Well would you looky here… Cari Champion Selected A Full-Time Host Of ESPN’s First Take Via BigLeadSports Cari Champion, a reporter from the Tennis Channel, has been selected as the new host for ESPN’s First Take, three sources confirmed to me. ESPN is expected to make an announcement this week. Champion was selected over Heidi Watney and Jemele Hill (among others) and will sit between Skip Bayless and Stephen A. Smith on the occasionally combative morning show that athletes seem to hate-watch. Here’s a profile of Champion in Tennis View Magazine – she went to UCLA and graduated with a degree in English – and according to Urban Dictionary (weird, I know), she was once fired from an Atlanta TV station for dropping an MF on air accidentally. According to this link, though, she got her job back. I couldn’t find video on the web. Cari was fired from Atlanta’s WGCL Channel 46 back in 2007 for allegedly saying “motherf**ker” live on the air. Cari defended herself saying that really said “mothersucker” during a commercial break when she thought that her mic was turned off, the network brass wasn’t buying it and canned her anyway. Congratulations girl, but you’re working for “The Mouse” (Disney owns ESPN) now, and if you think your local news gig was tough on language then you better wash your mouth out with mad soap if you want to keep a job at the four-letter network! Take a look at the brown-skinned banger below.

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NBKOTB: Tennis Channel’s Cari Champion Has Been Chosen To Host ESPN’s “First Take” Full-Time With Stephen A. Smith And Skip Bayless