Tag Archives: occasionally

Amanda Bynes: I’m Not Crazy! I’m Gorgeous and Retired!

When Amanda Bynes was arrested for DUI earlier this week, many took it as a sure sign that she was about embark on another funny/sad downward spiral of drug-fueled insanity. The fact Bynes’ parents didn’t know where she was in the days following her arrest was also not a great sign. But the surest indication of all that we’re in for another Amanda meltdown is the fact that she’s tweeting again. Or rather, “Ashley Banks” – which is believed to be Amanda’s online alias – is tweeting again. So how do we know Ashley is Amanda’s alter-ego? Well, as you may have guessed, she’s not that great at keeping secrets: When TMZ tweeted recently that Bynes had been kicked out of fashion school for excessive partying and erratic behavior, “Ashley” immediately replied, “@TMZ I WAS NEVER KICKED OUT!” Like we said, James Bond, she ain’t. But believe it or not, that’s far from the funniest Twitter gem that “Ashley” has dropped in the days since Amanda’s arrest. Some highlights: “I’m way too gorgeous and talented to be taking verbal abuse from complete strangers.” “Don’t let my parents lie to you or speak for me! I’m 28 years old and retired!” “I don’t abuse drugs. I’m not crazy. I never quit school. Apparently its illegal to rake scripts from your OWN doctor!” Obviously, Ashley Banks could be someone simply pretending to be Amanda, but if that’s the case, the person responsible does an amazing job of impersonating Amanda’s crazy talk. 45 Seriously OMG WTF Amanda Bynes Photos 1. Amanda Bynes is Dope Amanda Bynes thinks she is dope. The actress has posted this photo to Twitter.

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Amanda Bynes: I’m Not Crazy! I’m Gorgeous and Retired!

Kate Gosselin: I Just Gotta Make a Living! Who Cares About Fame?!

Kate Gosselin acknowledges that there could be worse ways to make a living, but says that’s all she’s trying to do with the return of Kate Plus 8 to TV. In other words, stop calling her a fame whore already! Kate Gosselin: 31 Photos of a Terrible Mother 1. That Kate Gosselin Look Doesn’t it just make you a little bit ill? Yes, we thought so. If there were another way to earn enough to feed those eight mouths, she says, “I would be on an island, and so would they. You would never hear from us again.” Hmm. Anyone wanna start a Kickstarter page?! All kidding aside, the return of Kate Plus 8 to TLC this winter, she says is “just my life and cameras are there … I understand this because I landed on TV somehow.” “This is just part of that. I look at it as [my job] and the kids are with me,” she adds. “They run in and out of the frame, and we go to cool places sometimes.” As for someone who might share those adventures with them? “He needs to be made of titanium. Steel doesn’t cut it anymore. Yeah, sorry,” she shrugs of criteria she looks for in a man she might want to date? Listening, Steve Neild ? Taking notes somewhere, man? Given the constant drama that surrounds her, be it custody fights or Kate Gosselin plastic surgery rumors, someone would need a strong spine indeed. And a strong stomach, so as not to be physically ill. Kate Gosselin & Steve Neild: Her Bodyguard and More? 1. Kate Gosselin and Steve Neild Photo Are Kate Gosselin and Steve Neild dating? We wouldn’t necessarily assume so … but we wouldn’t write off the possibility either. It’s been quite the fall from grace for ol’ Jon and Kate. They used to be one of the reasons to watch TV. Then they were one of the reasons to read gossip sites. Then they were so irritating, no one could take it anymore. Fast forward a few years and he’s waiting tables to ends meet, still hating on her occasionally and you’ll be able to watch TV online and see her again soon. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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Kate Gosselin: I Just Gotta Make a Living! Who Cares About Fame?!

Losing It? Solange Cancels European Show Dates For Her “Mental And Physical Health”

Well, she’s no Beyoncé. Solange was recently “forced” to cancel the rest of her European show appearances for her mental and physical well-being: Via DailyMail reports : She’s one of the fastest rising stars in the music industry. But Solange Knowles has been forced to cancel her European tour dates after admitting that she has become overwhelmed with her commitments. The 27-year-old singer has pulled out of her summer music festival performances in order to spend more time with her family and work on new material. Solange is still planning to play all of her US dates this year but has admitted that she needs to scrap her appearances in Europe for her ‘mental and physical health.’ In a statement, Beyoncé’s younger sister said that she was ‘devastated’ by the decision that she had to make but couldn’t juggle so many commitments. ‘I am completely devastated to announce that I will be canceling my international festival dates for the Summer,’ she wrote. I wish I could put in words how much of a difficult decision this was… but between moving part time to a new city, starting my son in a new school, and writing/ recording my new record…I really had to make the best decision for my mental/physical health and provide some stability for my family,’ she added. ‘I am so so sooooo sorry if Ive disappointed…… and really hope to make it out to those special cities soon enough!’ Solange has already made a number of appearances in the UK this year, including a set at Glastonbury, but has recently returned to the US to be with her family. Ahead of the statement, she had already pulled out of two UK appearances, at Koko in London and Yorkshire’s Beacons festival. The Losing You singer has eight-year-old son Daniel to look after and is currently in a relationship with music video director Alan Ferguson, having just moved to New York from Los Angeles. She will be putting all of her efforts into recording her third studio album. Keep it together Solo! You can do it. We make jokes about her occasionally but Solange is one of our faves — especially cuz she does stuff like organize protests against the Zimmerman verdict. Check out some photos below: WENN/Twitter Continue reading

NBKOTB: Tennis Channel’s Cari Champion Has Been Chosen To Host ESPN’s “First Take” Full-Time With Stephen A. Smith And Skip Bayless

Well would you looky here… Cari Champion Selected A Full-Time Host Of ESPN’s First Take Via BigLeadSports Cari Champion, a reporter from the Tennis Channel, has been selected as the new host for ESPN’s First Take, three sources confirmed to me. ESPN is expected to make an announcement this week. Champion was selected over Heidi Watney and Jemele Hill (among others) and will sit between Skip Bayless and Stephen A. Smith on the occasionally combative morning show that athletes seem to hate-watch. Here’s a profile of Champion in Tennis View Magazine – she went to UCLA and graduated with a degree in English – and according to Urban Dictionary (weird, I know), she was once fired from an Atlanta TV station for dropping an MF on air accidentally. According to this link, though, she got her job back. I couldn’t find video on the web. Cari was fired from Atlanta’s WGCL Channel 46 back in 2007 for allegedly saying “motherf**ker” live on the air. Cari defended herself saying that really said “mothersucker” during a commercial break when she thought that her mic was turned off, the network brass wasn’t buying it and canned her anyway. Congratulations girl, but you’re working for “The Mouse” (Disney owns ESPN) now, and if you think your local news gig was tough on language then you better wash your mouth out with mad soap if you want to keep a job at the four-letter network! Take a look at the brown-skinned banger below.

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NBKOTB: Tennis Channel’s Cari Champion Has Been Chosen To Host ESPN’s “First Take” Full-Time With Stephen A. Smith And Skip Bayless

Reporter Deals With Very Happy Man

Reporters doing it live are always at risk of something going wrong. Occasionally, of course, something goes fantastically right – as in the case of the man in this video who has a very important announcement to make. View

Flairs – Trucker’s Delight [NSFW]

Stunning 8–bit animation from J

AT&T Customer Support

Occasionally, two people having bad days can kind of cancel each other out. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment