Tag Archives: help-organize

Chelsea Lipp Whipped Cream Bikini for Andi Elloway of the Day

Andi Elloway is my favorite photographer in the history of photographers and I am not just saying that beacause I have seen her in a bikini during a photoshoot in a pool and it was a religious experience. I am saying it because despite it being a religious experience, the quality of her pictures were solid, I mean I know models who have a hard enough time just being hot in a bikini, you know unable to even answer basic questions while being in a bikini, yet Andi produces art while being art… You see, despite being so hot while in action, hot enough to be in front of the camera – she chooses to be behind the camera and that is the perfect level of subtlety I like in a babe…it’s like “I could be a half naked girl, it’s easier, but I choose not to, I am the half naked girl taking pictures of a half naked girl, making the half naked girl she is taking pics of, more comfortable than I would, as I masturbate in the corner asking her to crawl around and arch her back more…I’m that kind of director… So here is a little whipped cream bikini – amazingness with babe I don’t know much about, but feel the need to help organize a weekend retreat with…where I may propose in some orchestrated youtube video named Chlsea Lipp and this is just way too much of a good thing for my brain to process and absorb….all I know is that I am happy it happened….

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Chelsea Lipp Whipped Cream Bikini for Andi Elloway of the Day