Tag Archives: basic-questions

Shay Mitchell’s Pumpkin Porn of the Day

It’s pumpkin patch season which is code for Los Angeles girls of all levels of fame going to the pumpkin patch as part of a PR campaign, to choose their Halloween pumpkin, because either the Farmer’s Market pays them to do it, or they just really feel the need to hand pick their pumpkins instead of trusting their assistants to do it….and since the paparazzi camp out there – it gets well documented…and one of the many Pumpkin patch stunts is the pumpkin titties – that Shay Mitchell from Pretty Little Liars, who despite not being household, is famous as fuck with the under 20s…is demonstrating… I feel like you can masturbate to this, because you can masturbate to anything. You’re a masturbting hero…

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Shay Mitchell’s Pumpkin Porn of the Day

Chelsea Lipp Whipped Cream Bikini for Andi Elloway of the Day

Andi Elloway is my favorite photographer in the history of photographers and I am not just saying that beacause I have seen her in a bikini during a photoshoot in a pool and it was a religious experience. I am saying it because despite it being a religious experience, the quality of her pictures were solid, I mean I know models who have a hard enough time just being hot in a bikini, you know unable to even answer basic questions while being in a bikini, yet Andi produces art while being art… You see, despite being so hot while in action, hot enough to be in front of the camera – she chooses to be behind the camera and that is the perfect level of subtlety I like in a babe…it’s like “I could be a half naked girl, it’s easier, but I choose not to, I am the half naked girl taking pictures of a half naked girl, making the half naked girl she is taking pics of, more comfortable than I would, as I masturbate in the corner asking her to crawl around and arch her back more…I’m that kind of director… So here is a little whipped cream bikini – amazingness with babe I don’t know much about, but feel the need to help organize a weekend retreat with…where I may propose in some orchestrated youtube video named Chlsea Lipp and this is just way too much of a good thing for my brain to process and absorb….all I know is that I am happy it happened….

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Chelsea Lipp Whipped Cream Bikini for Andi Elloway of the Day

Isabella Jimenez photo(Connecticut Shooting Victims)

Isabella Jimenez, 12, reacts while talking to reporters about the shooting rampage from a day earlier when a gunman opened fire at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Saturday, Dec. 15, 2012, in Newtown, Conn. Jimenez said she might know the victims because she has done volunteer work with small children. The massacre of 26 children and ad ults at Sandy Hook Elementary school elicited horror and soul-searching around the world even as it raised more basic questions about why the gunman, 20-year-old Ad

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Isabella Jimenez photo(Connecticut Shooting Victims)

Tamara Doherty photo(Connecticut Shooting Victims)

Shop owner Tamara Doherty paces outside her store just down the road from Sandy Hook Elementary School, Saturday, Dec. 15, 2012, in Newtown, Conn. The massacre of 26 children and ad ults at the school elicited horror and soul-searching around the world even as it raised more basic questions about why the gunman, 20-year-old Adam Lanza, would have been driven to such a crime and how he chose his victims. All the victims of the Connecticut elementary school shooting were killed up close by multi

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Tamara Doherty photo(Connecticut Shooting Victims)