Tag Archives: help-validate

SoCal Val and Traci Brooks in a Locker Room Photoshoot of the Day

It amazes me that wrestling, in all it’s fucking stupidity, still exists. Hicks and rednecks and closet case social awkward idiots still flock to their TVs to watch grown men play fight, like it was the 80s and real fighting wasn’t televised. It just makes no sense. The only thing that does make sense about the shit is not THE ROCK, or Stacy Kiebler, but the fact that they cast these stripper bitches for the trash to flock to and jerk off to, when they pin them up in the ring to grind around like a backyard mud wrestle, without the mud. So I don’t know who SoCal Val or Traci Brooks is, but I am sure 90 percent of people in a trailer park do, which means you. So here are some pics of their photoshoot. I don’t find them hot – but they are naked and sharing a towel, as poor people do, so here are the pics.

Go here to see the original:
SoCal Val and Traci Brooks in a Locker Room Photoshoot of the Day

Melissa Debling is the Glamour Model of the Day

A day is not a day unless I post a picture or a set of pictures of a Glamour model and her big old tits, to help validate her as something you’d want to fuck and something that is an actual model, despite not being all that hot, and more importantly being short and curvy, unlike actual models. But like I always say, anything to trick a bitch into getting topless, whether it is money, promises of backstage passes, or fame and fortune from low level magazines spreads, is something I endorse.

See the original post:
Melissa Debling is the Glamour Model of the Day

What different types of toilets have you encountered while traveling?

In your travels have you come across toilets you weren’t used to? Have you ever found yourself without access to toilets altogether? How did the community you visited handle the complex issues tied to public health when it came to open defecation? Share your stories with us for this BFD. 2.6 billion people go without access to a toilet daily. In World's Toilet Crisis Adam Yamaguchi travels to India, Singapore and Indonesia to understand why people don't use toilets, and to learn what is being done to end the practice of open defecation. http://current.com/groups/current-video/92471289_how-to-solve-the-worlds-toilet-… added by: joshuaheller

Elton John Whored At Rush Limbaugh’s Wedding

Anti-gay hatemonger Rush Limbaugh just married a woman who's 26 years younger in Palm Springs—in fact, she's 26 years younger everywhere–but that's not the vomity part. The vomity part is that lord queen Elton John sang at the wedding! Our out gay pal–who does so much for our cause when he's thinking, um, straight–pocketed a cool million to help validate the twisted family values of a man who's done even more to fuck with gay rights than he's done to help Mexican production of OxyContin. Why, Elton, why? Wasn't it enough that you duetted with verbal gay basher Eminem at the Grammys that time, making it OK for him to keep making a lucrative sport out of kicking us in the groin and calling it poetry? Please stop pocketing blood money to further the devil's cause. Can't you just auction off some wigs? PS: On the very off chance that you did this to enlighten Limbaugh and he somehow emerges as our biggest advocate, you should still give the million to homeless gay teens. added by: TimALoftis