Tag Archives: helped-elect

Brokaw and Rose Admit They Don’t Know Much About Obama." But Lets Be Recklessly Irresponsible and Sway American Opinion and Get Him Elected Anyway".

“The main stream media has not done their job and have effectively been a disservice to the American people. These two journalists epitomize American media today, they along with their journalistic brothers essentially helped elect a man that no one had the balls to investigate properly. Most of those who elected Barrak don't really care but many on the left have seen the light and have begun to ask questions like, what the fuck were we thinking?” (congoboy)What has come to be called the Obama Paradox is not a paradox at all. Voters lack faith in him making the right economic decisions because, as far as they're concerned, he hasn't. He went for health-care reform, not jobs. He supported the public option, then he didn't. He's been cold to Israel's Binyamin Netanyahu and then all over him like a cheap suit. Americans know Obama is smart. But we still don't know him. Before Americans can give him credit for what he's done, they have to know who he is. We're waiting. cohenr@washpost.com added by: congoboy