Tag Archives: ask-questions

Anna Kendrick for Fast Company of the Day

I used to fuck a crackhead native, who was probably a prostitute, but we don’t ask questions on how a bitch gets her crack when she’s sucking my dick for free…I used to invite her to the office I was working at for lunch and every time she’d get there, she’d drink a think of white out…I didn’t really understand it, and I can’t imagine it got her high, but for some reason that’s what Anna Kendrick is reminding me of in this Fast Company article, that I assume is about how she’s invested in TINDER or some other start-up and is now a dot com billionaire, because becoming a dot com billionaire with an app is a fucking joke, but the bigger joke is me for not having one… Under normal circumstances, Anna Kendrick’s face, or mouth, or something about her freaks me the fuck out, but that white out, shit that’s porn to me….because there’s nothing hotter than liquid paper breath telling you how desperate a bitch is…while your busting’ on her back…

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Anna Kendrick for Fast Company of the Day

“Is My Son Gay?” Is Probably The Dumbest Idea For A Phone App Ever

This is just stupid. A French Android App has been released that will apparently allow parents to find out if their kids are gay. While it promises to answer that long-burning question, all it does is ask 20 yes or no questions based on stereotypes about homosexuals. They ask questions about grooming habits, interest in sports and dressing. This also acts as another app: “Are My Parents Really F*cking Stupid?” If your parents buy this app then the answer is definitely “yes”. See, there is some benefit to it. If you’re curious about your child’s sexuality (or you’re just an idiot), you can cop the app for just 1.99 Euros.

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“Is My Son Gay?” Is Probably The Dumbest Idea For A Phone App Ever

5 Questions You Should Never Ask Your Man

Some things are better left unsaid; or better yet, left un-asked. For those of you who consider your relationship with your significant other, the closest thing to a best friend outside of your girls, there are still some things that should only be discussed amongst your girls. Sometimes we ask questions that we really don’t want to know the answer to, unless it’s a compliment to our egos; then there are those questions that we may consider somewhat harmless but leave a man feeling uncomfortable. Check out these five questions that you should never ask your man at MadameNoire.com . Are you guilty?

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5 Questions You Should Never Ask Your Man

Gawker Security Breach: We’re Here to Help [Announcements]

As you probably know, Gawker Media’s sites were all compromised this weekend . This may have left you with questions and concerns about your account. Here’s the place to ask questions and vent. Editors and tech staff are here to help. More

Brokaw and Rose Admit They Don’t Know Much About Obama." But Lets Be Recklessly Irresponsible and Sway American Opinion and Get Him Elected Anyway".

“The main stream media has not done their job and have effectively been a disservice to the American people. These two journalists epitomize American media today, they along with their journalistic brothers essentially helped elect a man that no one had the balls to investigate properly. Most of those who elected Barrak don't really care but many on the left have seen the light and have begun to ask questions like, what the fuck were we thinking?” (congoboy)What has come to be called the Obama Paradox is not a paradox at all. Voters lack faith in him making the right economic decisions because, as far as they're concerned, he hasn't. He went for health-care reform, not jobs. He supported the public option, then he didn't. He's been cold to Israel's Binyamin Netanyahu and then all over him like a cheap suit. Americans know Obama is smart. But we still don't know him. Before Americans can give him credit for what he's done, they have to know who he is. We're waiting. cohenr@washpost.com added by: congoboy

Maria Menounos Exposes Herself

I absolutely love Maria Menounos and I love the team of nerds/virgins that invented Twitter so that she can post pictures of herself wearing lingerie and some sort of see through evening gown on the internet. Thank you. I have no idea what these are for or why she decided to share them with all of us, but if I’ve learned anything over my years of celebrity blogging it’s that you don’t ask questions when a hottie like Maria decides to expose herself on the internet. Just sit back and enjoy.

Landlord sues tenant over Twitter post

Horizon Group Management , a company that manages over 1500 apartments in Chicago has sued former tenant Amanda Bonnen for defamation after reading a Twitter post in which she blasts the living conditions of her building. The landlord is looking for $50,000 USD in the suit, and is claiming the Tweet “maliciously and wrongfully” defames them. The news quickly made its rounds across the Internet, especially after Horizon owner Jeffrey Michael said blatantly, “We’re a sue first, ask questions later kind of an organization.” Horizon has apologized for Michael’s statement but they could have a real public relations crisis, especially if Bonnen’s claims were at all real

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Landlord sues tenant over Twitter post