Tag Archives: her-afternoon

‘Name My Baby’ Auction

Link: http://cgi.ebay.com/YOU-PICK-MY-BABYS… Lavonne Drummond, a single mother of 6 (soon to be 7) kids in Arkansas is auctioning off naming rights to her unborn baby boy. She says, “I have no job or anny source of income so my sister pays for my rent, my phone bill, water bill, gas bill, ALL MY BILLS

Here is the original post:
‘Name My Baby’ Auction

Most Uncomfortable Print Ad Ever.

Apparently all we need to “relax” tensions with racial extremist groups is some hot water and bubbles…..at least according to McCann Lowe's way uncomfortable campaign for Luxor Hot Tubs. Is it hot in here, you guys? Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

The Most Hardcore Unicorn Tattoo

The lady unicorn has her cigarette *during* her afternoon delight.

Read more:
The Most Hardcore Unicorn Tattoo