Tag Archives: her-anonymously

Michelle Hunziker Mom Body in her Bikini of the Day

Michelle Hunziker is from Switzerland and in keeping with her heritage, she’s not really memorable, since she doesn’t get involved in any real scandals. Sure, rich people probably deposit things inside her anonymously, but she’s not relevant enough for anyone to really notice or care, except maybe her abortionist when she comes in month after month having to make the consequences of her Saturday night disappear…except that time she decided to keep her baby, that makes her a mom and this a mom body and that just throws me off…. Since I can’t post the pictures without getting sued, since I can’t afford to license the pics from the EVIL paparazzi, I’ll link out to one of my internet friends who isn’t as ghetto as me and who can afford to pay for the rights to the shit…. To See The Pics Follow This Link GO

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Michelle Hunziker Mom Body in her Bikini of the Day