Tag Archives: her-crowded

Tyra Banks First Novel

“I said I was going to do it, and here it is!” Tyra Banks, 36, writes in a note to fans posted Tuesday on Tyra.com. “It#39;s for all the girls and guys who want a lot more FANTASY in their lives … and some fierceness and magic, romance and mystery, crazy and wild adventures, and yeah, some danger too. Supermodel. Talk-show host. Executive producer. Reality-TV queen. Now, the versatile Tyra Banks is adding yet another line to her crowded résumé: novelist. “It#39;s my novel called Modelland (pro

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Tyra Banks First Novel

Hank Haney Resigns Text Message

Hank Haney Resigns Via text message. “I believe at this time that it is in both of our best interests for me to step aside as Tiger#39;s coach,” Haney said in a statement to The Golf Channel, according to Golf.com. “I will always look back upon our past half dozen years together as my best days in professional golf.” Haney did not give a particular reason, saying it was just time to move on. He told KTCK-AM sports radio in Dallas on Tuesday that he had resigned via text message. “I texted him

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Hank Haney Resigns Text Message