Tag Archives: her-downfalls

Whitney Port in Her Bikini Top Tanning of the Day

I am okay with staged scripted shit that tricks people into thinkin’ shit is real life, but only when the robot drone souless cunts who are in the shit are half naked, because when a girl is half naked, I generally don’t give a fuck about her downfalls, unless it is my wife, in which case I have no choice but to focus on all things bad about her body and point and laugh at the shit to keep her thinkin that she’s useless so that she doesn’t smarten up and leave me. If you think I’m not making sense, you shoulda seen me last night, I was like one giant and confused run-on sentence, only the real life version…..not the scripted real life interpretation like this bitch in her bra or bikini top with a fuckin’ mic box attached ther her.

Whitney Port in Her Bikini Top Tanning of the Day