Tag Archives: her-effortless

Pam Anderson for a Sci-Fi Short of the Day

Pam Anderson is in this groundbreaking role in a youtube video, because she’s not done yet, she’s still got more to give to the entertainment industry, and lucrative roles are falling into her lap like this Sci/fi for youtube… I guess we are in the era of self produced movies, which is probably a good thing if you’re someone who can’t sell a script for the life of you, or don’t want to sell a script for the life of you, because you are an artist and visionary in your mind, or you have financing from VICE / FOX / MTV and can put it together without the whole Hollywood machine…by putting it up to youtube. It’s pretty exciting stuff, because fuck Hollywood. So to some, Pam Anderson is not dead…or maybe she is, but makes a perfect futuristic soul cycle teacher… Here’s the premise: Connected, by Luke Gilford, is a portrait of a woman grappling with aging, self-perception, and transformation in a technologically optimized world. Jackie (Pamela Anderson) is a burnt-out AuraCycle instructor in the midst of a midlife crisis. She’s obsessed with self-improvement podcasts (voiced by Jane Fonda), and she is soon drawn to an advanced yet enigmatic wellness spa that promises to enhance her mind, body and soul. Guided by her effortless and nubile mentor, Luna (Dree Hemingway), Jackie will give up anything to feel “connected” — to herself, to the future, and to a precarious sense of perfection. She beat Hepatitis…and deserves to be celebrated….with her clown tits… The post Pam Anderson for a Sci-Fi Short of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Pam Anderson for a Sci-Fi Short of the Day