Tag Archives: her-irritating

Selena Gomez in her Best Picture Ever of the Day

Apparently this is – Selena Gomez – in her best picture in the history of any picture she’s ever done. I’m actually starting to understand the hype that is Selena Gomez…all it took was hitting her from the right angle and not in a Chris Brown kind of way, or even a Bieber’s ejaculate against her cervix kind of way, but in a hip, modern, one piece bathing suit that stages her puffy steroid from lupus cheeks in a way that doesn’t make her look like a cartoon character… I rarely think that Selena Gomez is hot, I usually am blinded by knowing she’s media manipulator, highly trained by the Disney school of entertainers, and that alone made her irritating about Bieber sex offending, about her LUPUS and her CHEMO to treat her LUPUS and the fact that she’s gone into pop star world…when she’s an actor as a fucking cash grab… But her implants are cool right… The post Selena Gomez in her Best Picture Ever of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Selena Gomez in her Best Picture Ever of the Day