I was the unofficial site to release the PIRELLI 2015 Calendar yesterday…because I am more of a bootlegger than a media company… I don’t care about much that comes out in a year, because I am pretty bored of everything across the board, because it is boring..from SI, to Playboy, to Men’s Mags, to pretty much everything. I have seen too much. But Pirelli is just classic. They take the best models, they have a star photographer put something together, and even though it’s been a fail the last few years, I feel like this one has been a win. Steve Meisel is one of the best out there, and the models they chose are perfectly topless, merging the lad mag, Playboy Pin Up of the past, with high fashion, making for this blend of eroticism I can totally contain because I have low testosterone and sex drive…but that I still find nice to look at… So that’s why I am posting the outtakes they released. I like to support a job well done by taking their pictures from them and sharing them with you.
Read the rest here:
Pirelli Calendar Outtakes of the Day