The reboot of Evil Dead (2013) that’s opening wide this week has even less skin than the original, but never fear, we know the nudest releases hitting big screens near you. If you are anywhere near a theater showing the limited release of Danny Boyle ‘s Trance (2013), drop everything and get ready to see Rosario Dawson spectacularly nude. She strips down for two, well lit, full frontal scenes, and there is nary a hair covering her tantalizing lower lippage! The indie flick Simon Killer (2012) and Norwegian horror yarn Thale (2012) are also out, providing looks at the 3 B’s of Mati Diop and Silje Rein
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged after-the-jump, her-tantalizing, Hollywood, Indie Film, limited, rosario-dawson, silje-rein, theater-showing, trance