Tag Archives: hewitt-tightens

Jennifer Love Hewitt Drops Some Boobage

I’m kind of annoyed that Jennifer Love Hewitt has all of a sudden become a hottie again, I didn’t realize it was the nineteen-nineties again, what am I supposed to do with all my disgusting gigantic booty comments? Here she is wearing her usual dumpy ‘I will never find love’ dress, the usual lameness, except this time she’s showing off some nice loose boobage. Well done. I want to watch her run for a bus or jump up and down on one of those weird miniature trampolines. Hot.

Miranda Kerr Is Just Incredibly Sexy

At first glance I thought these pictures of supermodel Miranda Kerr weren’t all that special, she’s all bundle up in a sweater getting out of a car, but then I noticed those amazing thigh high leather boots she’s got on. Awesome. Leave it to a supermodel to make getting out of a car look this friggin’ amazing. Not only that, but when she comes back out she’s wearing a pair of tight ass leather pants. Supermodels are the best.

Jennifer Love Hewitt Does Maxim And Does It Well

Alright so I posted a Twitter picture of Jennifer Love Hewitt earlier looking pretty good giving us a nice peek at her cleavage, but I said I wanted more…. It looks like I got what I asked for. Here she is in Maxim magazine for their Girls Of The 90′s issue. I like it, it brings back some quality masturbation memories. This is the Jennifer Love Hewitt I want to remember, not one shot of that weird gigantic booty she’s developed over the years. Sweet.

Jennifer Love Hewitt Does Maxim And Does It Well

Alright so I posted a Twitter picture of Jennifer Love Hewitt earlier looking pretty good giving us a nice peek at her cleavage, but I said I wanted more…. It looks like I got what I asked for. Here she is in Maxim magazine for their Girls Of The 90′s issue. I like it, it brings back some quality masturbation memories. This is the Jennifer Love Hewitt I want to remember, not one shot of that weird gigantic booty she’s developed over the years. Sweet.

Jennifer Love Hewitt Twitter Cleavage Peek

I wouldn’t say this is the greatest picture you’ll ever see of Jennifer Love Hewitt , we can hardly see any of her body, but she’s been trying hard to look good over the last little while so we’re going to have to make due. It’s a shot she posted of herself on Twitter holding up some sort of bag or purse or whatever. I don’t know if we’re supposed to know what that is, but I’m more interested in the sexy little cleavage peek she’s giving us. Not bad, not bad at all.

Jennifer Love Hewitt Gets Her Sexy Back

I’ve got to say that I absolutely love these pictures of Jennifer Love Hewitt and I’m kind of bored by them at the same time. The shots of her in her skin tight dress are pretty damn awesome, I hardly even notice that massive booty she’s got double wrapped in Spanx under there. Awesome. But the jeans and loose top are back to her boring self. These look like pictures of twins, one’s a big breasted hottie who chases rich men around for a living and the other spends all her time helping kittens at an animal shelter. I’ll take the slutty one.

Jennifer Love Hewitt’s Pack In Cleavage

We all know that Jennifer Love Hewitt’s hotness has had its ups and downs, but I have to admit that lately its been on the rise. Here she is stuffed into a tight little dress on the red carpet last night looking pretty damn good. Sure she’s probably squished into a couple of layers of industrial strength Spanx , but all that pressure has cause some impressive cleavage spillage. Well done.