Kailyn Lowry took her youngest, precious baby Lux, on his first trip to Disneyland. There are pictures. Really cute pictures. We’re guessing that baby daddy Chris Lopez was not invited . That sounds like it’s for the best. Thinking back, what do you suppose was your earliest memory? How many memories do you have that date back to before you could walk? Probably not very many from when you were two months old. Certainly not enough for you to have been able to recount a trip to Disneyland from before you were old enough to really, fully experience and appreciate a trip to The Happiest Place On Earth. But here’s the thing about childhood development — babies respond to and learn from their environment. Exposing them to more colors and images and pleasant sounds and smells stimulates their minds and imaginations. So an experience as wonderful and magical as a trip to Disneyland could still be great for this vital period in Lux’s development. Even though, as a 2-month-old (and even as an almost-3-month-old), he’s very unlikely to consciously remember the trip. And hey — they’ll always have these precious photos. This photo from behind might seem like a throwaway, but the text on the back of the hat is important. Note that both mother and son are wearing mouse ears, which is beyond adorable. We have to wonder if Kailyn had to go out of her way to get that. Like … is “Lux” really a common enough name that they had it in the gift shop? It might be. We just don’t know. If you want to see them from the front, though, take a look at our new favorite photo of Kail and Lux. They are just so cute! Look at his little baby face! Newborns, right after they come home, don’t really show that much of a conscious response to their environment. They’re still developing, folks. They’re sort of like very, very cute plants that also make noise and messes. But even after just a couple of months, you start to see more alertness. Look at Lux looking right into the camera. He’s at the part of early development where he’s really becoming a little person. Lux could be talking in just a few months (or in a year — it varies). Of course, deadbeat dad Chris Lopez will probably whine about how he should have been included in Lux’s visit to Disneyland. By the way, it would normally be at about this time when we’d point out that Kail chose wisely, that Disneyland is a much better place to visit than Disney World, because the latter is unfortunately located in Florida. At the moment, however, temperatures around Disney World are in the 70s. It is very nearly 90 degrees right now in Disneyland. (And we’re less than a week from Halloween!) Those high temperatures are, we imagine, why Kailyn decided to manually carry Lux and opted out of using a baby-carrying harness. In that kind of weather, you really don’t want to be wearing anything unnecessary. Except, perhaps, for a pair of mouse ears. View Slideshow: Kailyn Lowry Finally Reveals (VERY Unusual) Baby Name!
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Kailyn Lowry Takes Lux to Disneyland!