Tag Archives: his-hometown

Philly native pumped for UFC’s first event in hometown (Las Vegas Sun)

Burt Watson a long-time boxing promoter and manager is now the UFC’s on-site coordinator — the main man behind the scenes on fight week who serves as a liaison to the fighters. But with the organization making its first-ever trip to his hometown of Philadelphia this week for UFC 101. “It’s going to be a complete thrill to be part of an event in my hometown,” Watson said

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Philly native pumped for UFC’s first event in hometown (Las Vegas Sun)

The Badger Whisperer

Gareth Morgan is known as “The Badgerman” in his hometown in Wales. He has spent the last five years gaining the confidence of a group of badgers that live in the countryside near his house, so that he can pal around with them and, like, just hang out and do badger stuff

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The Badger Whisperer