Tag Archives: his-hoverboard

Carnival Cruise Holiday Dreams of the Day

Nothing like a Cruise Ship vacation to have a hellish outcome, considering everything about a Cruise Ship vacation, even if you’re the kind of person who thinks it is as good as life gets, you’re stuck on a trashy boat, with trashy people, doing trashy things, seeing the trashiest docking areas of places that aren’t all trashy….all while being unhygenic, full of disease and diarrhea, while being held fucking captive, all claustrophobic, and in this case covered in fucking blood from a worker crushed by the elevator…I hope this couple get their 150 dollar casino voucher to make it all ok… Well this couple got If you don’t like that – here’s a mom realizing her daughter is not taking her first shot… Here’s the singing Church man in the Philipines singing on his hoverboard… The post Carnival Cruise Holiday Dreams of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Carnival Cruise Holiday Dreams of the Day