Tag Archives: his-on-stage

Celebrity Cribs Check Out How Rap Icon Big Da

Big Daddy Kane Is Selling His $165,000 North Carolina Home You ever woke up and asked yourself, “Where does Big Daddy Kane live?” Welp, today is your lucky day because we are going to show you exactly where Jay Z’s former mentor lays his head at night. Kane resides in this modest $165,000 house in Raleigh, North Carolina house. According to his Listing Agent , Steve Gillooly, Kane isn’t pressed for money, nor does he spend it as excessively as his on-stage persona would suggest: “He’s down-to-earth. He has the money to buy whatever he wants, but he chooses to be humble and give back to the community.” Very noble, indeed. Hit the flip to see whether or not Kane half-stepped. Images via WENN/TMLS

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Celebrity Cribs Check Out How Rap Icon Big Da

Juvenile Arrested And Released After Hotel Melee

Rapper was busted for disorderly conduct after allegedly getting into a fight following his on-stage reunion with Lil Wayne. By Gil Kaufman Terius Gray (aka Juvenile) Photo: Jemal Countess/Getty Images

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Juvenile Arrested And Released After Hotel Melee