Tag Archives: hitler-reacts

Hitler reacts to… copyright infringement

A mainstay on the viral video meme scene has been the 'Hitler Reacts to…' videos. A clip is used from the 2004 film 'Downfall' where Hitler learns he cannot win the war. He is very angry. These scenes are then dubbed with other things Hitler might be mad at. This is my favorite: Hitler reacts to failed Burning Man plans Today we've learned that production company Constantin Films is claiming copyright infringement. Martin Moszkowicz, an executive at Constantin told the BBC. “We as a corporation have a bit of an ambivalent view of it. On the one hand, we are proud the picture has such a huge fan base and that people are using it for parody. On the other hand, we are trying to protect the artists.” This is a sad day for the internets. If you have any 'Hitler Reacts to…'s that are still online, add them as comments below. added by: joshuaheller