Tag Archives: hollywood-game

Shooter Jennings on John Mayer: KING Douche!

John Mayer is a douchebag. Everyone knows this. According to country music bigshot Shooter Jennings, he’s more than that. He’s “King Douche,” and the reasons for that are abundant. He writes on Twitter: “I love how the ‘neil young of our generation’ self-naming king douche grows his hair out + buys a place in Montana just to do [Rolling Stone] article.” “Claims he’s ‘done w hollywood game’ and has ‘roots’ and then immediately cuts hair, goes back to hollywood clubs + starts banging Katy Perry .” It’s true, he did return to his douche “roots” awfully quick. “And don’t anybody say he’s a great guitar player,” he adds. “Gary Clark Jr & [Lukas Nelson] wipes their asses with this dude. That’s enough, John Mayer.” Shooter, a powerful country music DJ and the son of the late Waylon Jennings, does not have any personal beef with Mayer that we’re aware of. Just felt like going off on him. We can sympathize. He later apologized … for $h!t talking. Not to Mayer specifically, but for flying off the handle after reading the narcissistic drivel in Rolling Stone .

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Shooter Jennings on John Mayer: KING Douche!