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Antoine Dodson Dishes on "Fun" Sex With Women, Living "Straight Life"

Newly-minted heterosexual Antoine Dodson is speaking out about his recent conversion, claiming he’s had sex with women and that it was a good time. The infamous YouTube home intruder thwarter said Friday that he’s ” no longer into homosexuality ” and will be living life right as per his Hebrew Israelite religion. Asked by TMZ if he feels that being gay is a choice, the famously flamboyant Antoine Dodson said, “I feel like homosexuality is put on people at early ages.” “[It’s] in the things we see and hear and what’s exposed to us.” Moreover, he says he’s gotten his freak on with girls in the past. “Sex with women is not new to me,” Dodson said. “It was fun.” “I got enjoyment out of it. But I was hurt by a woman as a teen.” So is his goal to be cured of homosexuality? Can that be done? “I believe when you get to a certain age,” Dodson said, “You begin to feel different about things and as things change, you begin to want more.” So … that’s a qualified yes?

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Antoine Dodson Dishes on "Fun" Sex With Women, Living "Straight Life"