Tag Archives: hookers-the-way

Miley Cyrus Ass for the Israel Palestine Crisis of the Day

I guess James Franco put together a comedy show or event where he had his Bar Mitzvah because I guess he’s either not Jewish, or not Bar Mitzvahed and the only way for him to be taken seriously in Hollywood is for him to follow through with his religion and commit… In making a spectacle, mocking the Jewish Tradition of a boy becoming a man, and not through hookers the way your white trash dad did it, but rather by reading some scripture and earning 10s of thousands of dollars, in some of the most over the top setting…..Franco decided to get Funny or Die to Sponsor it and have random guests and performers that I know nothing about, but Miley was there and she wore a thong…and her young ass, despite being in leggings, is starting to look sloppy, like it is melting off her, because girl’s not 18 anymore…but still exists…still does slutty enough for me to stare…while really not caring…she’s supposed to be naked… The post Miley Cyrus Ass for the Israel Palestine Crisis of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Miley Cyrus Ass for the Israel Palestine Crisis of the Day