Tag Archives: horrible-rumors

Hi Hater: Former Obama Professor Says The President And His ‘Food Stamp Policy’ Politics Gotta Go

They smile in your face…. Former Professor of President Obama Not Supporting His Re-election Campaign In the latest NOBama news , a former professor of President Obama has come out of the woodwork to voice his non-support. One of President Obama’s former Harvard professors is calling for the president’s defeat in November, releasing a scathing video in which he accuses the president of abandoning America’s workers while pushing a policy of “food stamps.” The video by Brazilian scholar and politician Roberto Unger serves as an indictment of both parties. But in it, Unger says Obama must be defeated in order for the Democratic Party to restore itself “as the vehicle for the progressive alternative in the country.” Obama, he said, has not advanced that cause. “President Obama must be defeated in the coming election. He has failed to advance the progressive cause in the United States,” he said in the eight-minute video, titled “Beyond Obama.” Obama, when he attended Harvard, took two classes with Unger — Jurisprudence and Reinventing Democracy, according to David Remnick’s book “The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama.” Unger continued to correspond with Obama via BlackBerry going into the presidential campaign, Remnick reported, though Unger said he never became Obama’s “friend” and kept his distance from the then-candidate out of concern that Unger’s own “leftist” leanings might do “harm” to Obama. All of these “food stamp” references are so unnecessary.  SMH. Source Image via Wenn

Originally posted here:
Hi Hater: Former Obama Professor Says The President And His ‘Food Stamp Policy’ Politics Gotta Go

YOLO? The People That Suffer From The Most Fake Twitter Deaths

Celebrities Killed By Twitter All The Time Twitter is a great place full of #slander and wonderment. It’s also sometimes full of horrible rumors about people dying. Every day there’s someone else that’s allegedly dying thanks to stupid a$$ rumors. At this point there’s not much we’d believe on Twitter. Here are the people that keep dying via social media.

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YOLO? The People That Suffer From The Most Fake Twitter Deaths