Tag Archives: host-identified

CNN: Conservative Guests are ‘Controversial;’ No Labels for Liberals

CNN, whose new ad claims that they “keep them all honest, without playing favorites,” actually played favorites on Monday's Parker-Spitzer. Hosts Kathleen Parker and Eliot Spitzer failed to give ideological labels to their liberal guests, while clearly identifying Tim Phillips as being president of ” Americans for Prosperity, a right-wing group ” and labeling Bjorn Lomborg a ” controversial author .” Parker and Spitzer's first guest was liberal Congressman Anthony Weiner, who appeared two minutes into the 8 pm Eastern hour. The former liberal governor introduced Weiner as merely a ” Democratic representative from New York .” The American Conservative Union gave the congressman a zero rating in 2008 and 2009, with a lifetime rating of 5.14. The left-of-center Americans for Democratic Action named Weiner one of their “ADA Heroes” in the House in 2009. Clearly, the New York politician is a liberal, but neither host identified him as such. read more

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CNN: Conservative Guests are ‘Controversial;’ No Labels for Liberals