Tag Archives: hot-button-item

Add Quentin Tarantino’s Vega Brothers to the List of Movies That Are Never. Gonna. Happen.

And now an addendum to yesterday’s hot-button item cataloging movies you keep hearing about but which are Never. Gonna. Happen: Today it’s The Vega Brothers , the long-rumored Quentin Tarantino prequel explaining just how Vic (Michael Madsen) and Vincent (John Travolta) developed into the hardened sibling criminals we know and love from Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction , Considering the respective 18- and 16-year-gaps between those films and today, however, a new approach is required. And guess what? Tarantino has it! Or so says Madsen in a video after the jump.

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Add Quentin Tarantino’s Vega Brothers to the List of Movies That Are Never. Gonna. Happen.