Tag Archives: hotel-lobbies

Rita Rusic Still In her Bikini of the Day

Old Lady with the Tight Body in a Bikini is back out in her bikini reminding us that sometimes fucking rich married or divorced women that you meet in hotel lobbies can be fun as long as they compensate for their big vaginas that can’t squeeze your little penis because you aren’t the size of a forearm, and none of her vagina lining even touch it, with her mouth…something I’m pretty sure most older women are into, because they aren’t hot little things anymore, and they have to compete with those hot little things, but tapping into their experiences….it’s the only competitive advantage they have…not that you have to worry about that…leaving your mom’s basement isn’t really your thing, and none of your mom’s friends are really that into you cuz you’re a loser….but at least you can jerk off to this.

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Rita Rusic Still In her Bikini of the Day