Tag Archives: hotter-or-more

Rosario Dawson Cocktease of the Day

Last week, Rosario Dawson’s legal team reported my site to google, even after I deleted her nude selfies that were leaked or posted to the internet – that I wasn’t even sure were of her – but I am now – because her legal team came after me…I got the final notice from them yesterday… You know angry she’s an exhibitionist who gets naked in pics, like everyone else in the world, including me, like I’ll facetime a bitch my cock if she really wants it – why the fuck would I care…and I’m anonymous on the internet…this one is some coke party girl who recently found her dead cousin who was employed by her – because that’s how hard they go….someone who has been out there, naked or naked enough since she was 17….and she cares that I repost pics I found on tumblr…come on… Then she goes out and snaps her toplessness with the hashtag free the nipple without showing…like a cocktease you know she is – because as an actress that’s what she does…but still…offensive… The post Rosario Dawson Cocktease of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

See the rest here:
Rosario Dawson Cocktease of the Day

Donna D’Errico LOL of the Day

Donna D’Errico still exists – she’s 50 and looks like this – and that in and of itself is amazing…. She’s the ex wife of Nikki Sixx, probably the mother of his kid, but most interestingly, she was a TV star…in Baywatch…hilarious…if you think about it, because all these 90s bitches, who also posed for Playboy but ended up on Baywatch “acting”…looked like low level strippers, still look like low level strippers, and to think that that was what fame was about…is weird. I guess things haven’t changed, really, the implants are more believable maybe, the looks more natural…but when these plastic, aging weird women from my past come along I remember…the world has always been so fucking cheesy…these rock and roll girls are the ratchets who fuck rappers of today – it’s same same but different…because humans are always the same uninspiring and usually disgusting bundle of gross. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Donna D’Errico LOL of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

See original here:
Donna D’Errico LOL of the Day

Dakota Fanning and her Fat Managers of the Day

Dakota Fanning posted a bikini pic with what we used to call in the 90s a couple of Fat Managers… It was the girl that the hotter skinnier girl would hang out with so that when pics came around – or even pre pics – when people would come around – they’d look the hottest…and the tightest and often times, weren’t even that hot or that tight – but by comparison they were…like an optical illusion…some “magic eye poster” shit…. We’d call them fat managers, because as much as the skinny hot one liked having the fat ones around to look hotter against, or to spew all their stories on as the fat one groupied and envied her….the fat ones liked the skinny one around because it made them seem hotter or more desirable…as the hot one would lure in so much attention there’d be a spillover… With that spillover the hot one would choose the dude she wanted to get with and his friends or other dudes would be pawned onto the fat chicks, they’d call that JUMPING THE GRENADE, and everyone would fuck, some happier than others, usually the fat chick….because she got laid.. Point being, if you wanted the hot chick you’d have to go through the fat manager, you’d have to win her trust and friendship but not make her want to fuck you, because if she did, it’d be over and you’d be fucking the fat manager not the hot chick….it was always a complicated dance…but luckily for me, I’m vile and the hot chicks never wanted me, so I’d just end up giving the fat manager a foot massage while my friend would fuck the hot one and jerk off in the bathroom when everyone was asleep…. Life. The post Dakota Fanning and her Fat Managers of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Dakota Fanning and her Fat Managers of the Day