Tag Archives: hottest-pussies

Miley Cyrus and Ashley Greene in See Through Shirts of the Day

The biggest news in teenage wet dreams is that Miley Cyrus and Ashley Greene are filming a movie together. Ashley Green is attaching herself to anything that has seen success, and riding it’s coattails as hard as she can, and Miley is just being her slutty self….giving Ashley Greene something to follow, since she’s doing whatever it takes to stay relevant… So yesterday, these idiots faked a kiss for attention….. and in keeping up their attention whore strategy to get noticed and talked about, because they want the world to think their average at best pussies are the hottest pussies around, they figured they’d milk the shit today by wearing see through shirts and leather pants… I think Miley is the push Ashley Greene needed to sex it up, because prior to this movie role, she was boring as fuck, even though she was getting huge attention. Not that I care. Sure they are just messing with us…but there’s always hope that things will go too far and a sex tape will be released. I know younger girls and 80 percent of them have masturbated with their female friends before turning 18… Enjoy their scam.

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Miley Cyrus and Ashley Greene in See Through Shirts of the Day