Tag Archives: obvious-attempt

Mischa Barton Tries To Stay Relevant via Tyler Shields Steak to the Face of the Day

I used to rip into Tyler Shields for being a hack of a photographer who just managed to have the right celebrity friends that propelled him into photographer celebrity….but then I spoke to someone who knows him and she assures me that he’s not some try hard, full of shit, obvious attempt at shocking concept with celebrity pussy like he was the next Terry Richardson with less vision….and even if he was, who cares, cuz I’m the fucker writing about his work…adding fuel to the fire that is his hype…. That said, he recruited Mischa Barton, which must have been hard, you know with her busy schedule, substance abuse, sanity….but I have a funny feeling she’s the one who sought him out…to get these pics of steak on her face, in a photo series that I call “I shoulda been Tyler Shields, I’m clever enough to make shocking pictures, if only I didn’t alienate myself”…. Here she is…

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Mischa Barton Tries To Stay Relevant via Tyler Shields Steak to the Face of the Day

Miley Cyrus and Ashley Greene in See Through Shirts of the Day

The biggest news in teenage wet dreams is that Miley Cyrus and Ashley Greene are filming a movie together. Ashley Green is attaching herself to anything that has seen success, and riding it’s coattails as hard as she can, and Miley is just being her slutty self….giving Ashley Greene something to follow, since she’s doing whatever it takes to stay relevant… So yesterday, these idiots faked a kiss for attention….. and in keeping up their attention whore strategy to get noticed and talked about, because they want the world to think their average at best pussies are the hottest pussies around, they figured they’d milk the shit today by wearing see through shirts and leather pants… I think Miley is the push Ashley Greene needed to sex it up, because prior to this movie role, she was boring as fuck, even though she was getting huge attention. Not that I care. Sure they are just messing with us…but there’s always hope that things will go too far and a sex tape will be released. I know younger girls and 80 percent of them have masturbated with their female friends before turning 18… Enjoy their scam.

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Miley Cyrus and Ashley Greene in See Through Shirts of the Day

Holly Madison’s Twitter Tits of the Day

I don’t think you should get excited or even notice when a useless Playboy whore is showing off her stupid fake tits in a bikini. It’s like bitch is known for being naked, before distracting us from that by getting her own TV show….but the core of her is the fact that she gets naked for money…and the core of Playboy is booking this stripper looking girls with fake tits…like it was the fucking 1990s…when we’ve all moved on from that fantasy… I am mad at myself for posting this obvious attempt to get twitter followers…even though when bitch is a fucking slut who gets naked for money and she’s not getting naked for her fans when it’s her job…she’s failed…. These should be pictures of her giving a pussy puppet show like the whore she is….and I’m not just saying that cuz I think all girls are whores….she’s pretty much proven it by everything about her career….but I got nothing better to put pictures of so here it is…

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Holly Madison’s Twitter Tits of the Day

Sophie Turner Lookin’ Classy of the Day

Sophie Turner’s people cast some kind of spell on me. I don’t know what PR brainwashing they did but it fucking worked, cuz everytime I see her pictures I feel the need to post about her. For those of you who don’t know, Sophie Turner is some Australian Lawyer who was on some reality show and who is trying to make it in America. She looks like typical trash stripper and pornstar with fake everything, and I called her out on it, something I am sure everyone has done at least once before, but that she pretended to not like, despite the obvious attempt and effort she’s put into lookin’ this way, so I got a fuckin’ lawsuit threat to take down my comments about her lookin’ like a pornstar…. Either way, I thought the whole thing was a fucking joke, I told them off and wrote about it on the site, and now every time I see her pics of her and her obnoxious whore outfits she wears for attention, I can’t help but post the shit, even if they are boring, cliche and only show a little fake tit cleavage. It’s like they’ve cast some voodoo spell on me, so here I am at it again, Sophie Turner lookin’ like a pornstar but not a pornstar, irrelevant and not exciting, but good enough for me to post, cuz they fucking brainwashed me…..Motherfuckers. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Sophie Turner Lookin’ Classy of the Day

Aubrey O’Day Addresses The New Leaked Topless Pics To Promote Herself of the Day

Attention whore Aubrey O’Day posted a video of herself in a sheer bra on Youtube that should be taken down for being pornographic and breaking the Youtube rules, but it is kinda hot if fake tits in sheer bras is your thing. I didn’t listen to what she said, but she was whining about the nude pics that were leaked of her and her doughy body from her Peepshow premiere in an obvious attempt to milk this shit as hard as she can. She claims she was on the phone with lawyers internationally like posting her nude pic is a fucking crime, but the truth is that she is just trying to get more people talking about her to sell more tickets and give her more work

See the article here:
Aubrey O’Day Addresses The New Leaked Topless Pics To Promote Herself of the Day