Tag Archives: house-borrowing

Katy Perry Big Tits for the Grammy Nominations of the Day

I was at my neighbor’s house borrowing a couple cigarettes cuz I was out and because it was a good excuse to stare at his immigrant wife’s fat tits cuz she doesn’t wear a bra, and they were watching this Grammy Award Nomination event that I couldn’t believe existed. I am actually surprised that people even watch the Grammies, considering it is some bullshit marketing campaign financed by the record labels, pretty much staged and not representative of anything good, but it turns out people care enough to watch the nominees, after I went on a little rant about how stupid the concept is, Katy Perry walked on stage in this dress, with these tits, and I was really happy she decided to distract me from her gut and busted up face, with something she actually has going for her, and that something are these incredible tits. Fuck you Grammy Award Nomination show, you ruined my fucking hope in humanity…..even with your prostituting of Katy Perry….

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Katy Perry Big Tits for the Grammy Nominations of the Day