Tag Archives: housewife-pile

Holly Madison Doing Yoga in the Park of the Day

Holly Madison is doing Yoga in the park….Real fucking exciting…I mean if you google her you can see her before she turned into a housewife pile of shit…you know back when she was in her prime and getting naked for money….behavior that paved the way for this “good” life she’s living….where her daily activity only requires going to the fucking park for the paparazzi to watch her stretch… I only like to fuck with Yoga when the girls are young, tight, bending over in my face, and ideally not farting… I try to avoid the senior class with all their massive mom vagina lips everywhere….Not that I do Yoga, but you get what I am saying….and that is that bitch is trying to get press for her pregnancy on some bottom feeding slut level you’d expect for her…but I’m not having it….or maybe I am…who cares. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS OF THIS HAG FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Holly Madison Doing Yoga in the Park of the Day