Not the “Obama Boyz” tho! SMH… We thought the children were supposed to be our future — but this 18-year-old just got popped by one-time for shooting two other teens! Even worse — the set he’s repping is none other than the “Obama Boyz”! Via STLToday : A St. Louis teen who authorities say is a member of a gang called the “Obama Boyz” has been charged with two shootings on Saturday. Anthony Jamal Lee, 18, fired at a group of people from the window of a Grand Prix at 2:17 p.m., according to charges. A 13-year-old boy was struck in the side of his body and had to be hospitalized; a 17-year-old boy was grazed by bullets on his face and arm. Lee, according to authorities, then fired from his car at two passengers in another Grand Prix, grazing one of them in the back. One shooting occurred at the 3200 block of Oriole Avenue, and the other nearby at Harney and Beacon avenues. Lee, who was charged Friday in St. Louis Circuit Court, faces a mix of 10 felony counts of first-degree assault, armed criminal action and firing shots from a vehicle. Judge Theresa Burke set $100,000 cash bail. Authorities said Lee is a documented member of the “Obama Boyz” gang, but did not elaborate. Damn shame, these young thugs runnin’ around committing crime under the name of the President.
SMH: St. Louis Teen, Member Of “Obama Boyz” Gang, Popped For Shooting 13-Year-Old And 17-Year-Old