Tag Archives: from-the-window

My name is Jillian, I’m 15 years old, live in New York and…

My name is Jillian, I’m 15 years old, live in New York and obviously LOVE this kid named Justin. I have had the most AMAZING Bieber experiences of my life. I’ve meet him 10 times and have seen him perform and do interviews live 16 times. I have been a true true belieber since ‘One Time’ and always will be. I don’t know why I have never written a Bieber Experience. I have so many things to write that I am so grateful for, but I am just going to write about what happened to me one week in June when Justin was in NYC. It all started June 18th when my friend Cat and I got on line at Macy’s at 4 a.m. to get tickets for Justin’s Apollo show. We waited hours, which actually flew by pretty fast because we made so many friends with other amazing beliebers while waiting. When they finally opened the doors, we knew we were getting tickets and flipped a shit. We ran into the store, got our Girlfriend fragrance bags, and an envelope with our tickets in them. We ripped open the envelope to see where out seats were and guess what? WE GOT SECOND ROW. We started jumping up and down like idiots but who cares….it’s Justin Bieber we’re taking about! We called all our friends, family and posted the great news on every social network possible. After we got our tickets we went home, got ready for the concert, and then made our way back into the city. When we walked into the Apollo and saw our seats I thought I was dreaming. After waiting quite awhile  (cause ya know Mr. Bieber is always fashionable late), Justin came on stage! As soon as he came on our first instinct was to run closer to the stage so he can grab our hands, and that’s just what he did. We ended up being front row for the entire concert. This was honestly the best concert of my life. Everything was just so funny; when we blew the fuse, when they lost a kid, when Justin pushed Scooter into his birthday cake, when Ry Good told us we were gonna be stuck in here for a while and started throwing food at us. Then after Justin’s last song which was ‘Boyfriend,’ he ended up grabbing Cat’s phone and took a picture of us! MY FACE IS PRICELESS IN IT. Throughout the whole concert he grabbed our hands multiple times, made a lot of eye contact with us, and even pointed too me when he sang “Shawty right there” in One Time! I went home that night shaking just of the thought that this was real life, and not a dream. When I got home I picked out another outfit for the next day because I was meeting Justin at his J&R Believe CD signing! I woke up, went to take my bio regents (that I did not study whatsoever for) and made my way to the city. I went up to Justin and told him about how I was first row last night and how he was amazing. He was really sweet and even grabbed my hand! After that, we went to wait outside of MTV studios for Justin because he was going there after J&R. We saw him get out of his car, but seeing him for even a second is worth it to me. After these 2 AMAZING days I thought nothing can make this week any better! The next day, my friend texted me saying something about getting tickets to a Justin Q&A for Fuse TV. During the sign up process they asked you write a question you would like to ask Justin. I wrote, “Have you ever played a prank that’s gone too far?”. After I signed up, I got a email back shortly saying I received the tickets! So once again, I went to sleep feeling like my life was a dream. When I got on line with my friends, people from the Fuse TV were walking up the line asking for people’s names to cross off the list. When they got to me, I told them my name and I noticed instead of crossing it off, they highlighted it. I was so scared like maybe that meant I couldn’t get in or something! After a few seconds the girl goes, “Come with me” and brings me to another line. She then explains to me that I was one of the 5 people picked to ask Justin my question on National television! I STARTED FLIPPING WITH MY FRIEND LAUREN WHO I BOUGHT AS MY GUEST. I am not the loudest of people and kinda shy when I first meet someone, but at all the Justin events I go to I have learned that you need to get recognized and put yourself out there. I was so loud and happy and one of the Fuse crew members named Michael came up to me. He told me to follow him and at this point I was losing it from happiness already. He goes to me, “I can tell your a very very big super-fan and don’t seem to be shy around people, so I’m guessing you wouldn’t mind playing a Trivia game on TV against Justin himself would you?” AT THIS POINT I COULDN’T MOVE OR BREATHE. LIKE WHY WAS I GETTING SO LUCKY? Finally it was Justin to go on stage. The whole crowd went wild. After the interview he did on this other stage, it was time for him to play the game with me! I stood at the buzzer and then realized he was coming to stand at the buzzer, next to me! He got on the stage and gave me a hug. The he was trying to press the buzzer but he wasn’t pushing it right so I was like, “Justin you need to go like this” and then he got it and started laughing. I WAS TALKING TO HIM LIKE HE WAS MY FRIEND. I have meet him enough times to realize now he is actually a normal kid and finally I was myself around him. Next the girl explained the rules to us of how the game worked. He shook my hand. We had to answer a question about his music video on the screen. For some reason Justin wasn’t looking at the screen were he was supposed to, he was staring at me. I LOCKED EYES FOR LIKE 20 SECONDS STRAIGHT WITH JUSTIN BIEBER LOLBYE. I go “Justin” and he was like “Yeah” with the cutest smile on his face. “Look at the screen it’s the other way!” Then he finally turned his head the other way. After the whole game was over, I ended up winning 3-0! After he made a sad face and goes, “I’m just upset I lost again” with the cutest pout on his face. “Don’t worry I’ll let you win next time.” Then he goes to the crowd, “She’s amazing! She knows me better than I know myself!” and then gave me the biggest hug! I’m still flipping to this day. During commercial break Justin was still on stage next to me and he was on his phone, his background was so weird LOL. He then goes onto video and pans the crowd and takes a video. Since I was right next to him I legit put my face in his camera and he started laughing. We talked for a little, but honestly I don’t even remember our convo, I was too starstruck and shocked to remember it. Before he left there was one thing I KNEW I needed to too and I needed to break a rule to do it. They told me before the show that I was not allowed to take pictures with him because it would start too much. BUT YOLO! I asked Justin if I can take a picture with him and he goes sure! Since my phone was dead, I grabbed a randoms girl’s phone from the audience and took a selfie. Then I asked for a kiss on the check . I always thought I would be to scared to ask that but at this point I really felt like I was Justin’s  friend, so it wasn’t awks at all. HE KISSED ME and that’s when I was just like what the eff is going on right now. Then he needed to go back to the interviewing stage, so after the kiss he said bye, waved and went back. I got off the stage and started to cry. THAT WAS THE BEST EXPERIENCE OF MY WHOLE ENTIRE 15 YEARS OF LIFE RIGHT THERE . Everyone came up to me giving me hugs and telling me how jealous they are and how lucky I am. After a little while Justin left back to his hotel. Since us beliebers are so hardcore and never stop, we decided to wait at his hotel. We managed to get pictures with Ry Good, Alfredo, and even randomly Chord Overstreet! We also saw Bruce and Vanessa! So that explains what happened to me during the best week of my life! To think that this week was just some of the many experiences I have with Justin makes me feel so grateful. Too grateful for words. Justin I love you and and I always will. Thank you all for reading this and I hope you can all experience something as great as I did. Just never give up, cause really…..absolutely anything can happen. -Jillian @JDBieberislife  Watch my video with Justin here ! Excerpt from: My name is Jillian, I’m 15 years old, live in New York and…

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My name is Jillian, I’m 15 years old, live in New York and…

On 13th of September 2012, my dream came true. I had wanted to…

On 13th of September 2012, my dream came true. I had wanted to meet Justin since 2009 when my sister met him and have been a belieber since then. People always told me to never say never and to believe but it just seemed like a dream. I had come so close to Justin many times before but never close enough to touch him. I had school and I ran home thinking that today was going to be the day. I met my friend Alice in Waterloo and we heard Justin was going to be at Kiss fm so we went to Oxford St but when we arrived, no one was there. They said he recorded it off sight. As you can imagine we were a bit upset but we didn’t give up. A girl on Twitter told me that Justin was going to be at ITV studios at 6 so we got the train back there. Justin waved from the window but did not come out. When we got there everyone was screaming and we ran as fast as we could over and there was no room to get up onto the bars. I fell on the floor in the dirt and ended up sticking my head through people’s legs to try and see him. All off a sudden there he was right in front of me and he said “Hey” and touched my hand. I just burst out crying in disbelief and happiness. Something that I had wanted for so long in my life happened to me. Once Justin had gone inside, a man came out who was working at ITV and we asked him to come over. We gave him a book that we had made for Justin and he took it and promised he would give it to him . Even though Justin hasn’t tweeted us about it, just the thought that Justin may have read it or even just seen it makes me so happy and feel lucky. I didn’t get a picture with Justin, hug him or tell him how much he means to me but I saw him so close. It has given me the strength to believe that I will meet him again and tell him what I want to. My dream became a reality. Even though it seems cheesy and as if it wont happen; never say never and believe that you can do it because if you do, you will meet Justin. I can say that that no matter what happens to me throughout my life Justin, will be someone here to support me and I will always support him and his music. He makes me so happy and he has made such a difference to my life! I will be here until the end. -@BelieberTeensUK Read more here: On 13th of September 2012, my dream came true. I had wanted to…

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On 13th of September 2012, my dream came true. I had wanted to…

SMH: St. Louis Teen, Member Of “Obama Boyz” Gang, Popped For Shooting 13-Year-Old And 17-Year-Old

Not the “Obama Boyz” tho! SMH… We thought the children were supposed to be our future — but this 18-year-old just got popped by one-time for shooting two other teens! Even worse — the set he’s repping is none other than the “Obama Boyz”! Via STLToday : A St. Louis teen who authorities say is a member of a gang called the “Obama Boyz” has been charged with two shootings on Saturday. Anthony Jamal Lee, 18, fired at a group of people from the window of a Grand Prix at 2:17 p.m., according to charges. A 13-year-old boy was struck in the side of his body and had to be hospitalized; a 17-year-old boy was grazed by bullets on his face and arm. Lee, according to authorities, then fired from his car at two passengers in another Grand Prix, grazing one of them in the back. One shooting occurred at the 3200 block of Oriole Avenue, and the other nearby at Harney and Beacon avenues. Lee, who was charged Friday in St. Louis Circuit Court, faces a mix of 10 felony counts of first-degree assault, armed criminal action and firing shots from a vehicle. Judge Theresa Burke set $100,000 cash bail. Authorities said Lee is a documented member of the “Obama Boyz” gang, but did not elaborate. Damn shame, these young thugs runnin’ around committing crime under the name of the President.

SMH: St. Louis Teen, Member Of “Obama Boyz” Gang, Popped For Shooting 13-Year-Old And 17-Year-Old

My name is Marian and I’ve been a belieber since December…

My name is Marian and I’ve been a belieber since December 2009. My best friend Sofia and I met Justin Bieber on October 19, 2011 , so NEVER SAY NEVER GIRLS! It was here before the concert in Venezuela . I’m going to start from the beginning, but its not to much to say because it all happened very quick! The day before the concert, some friends and I planned to go to his hotel that he was staying at. We finished school that day and in the afternoon, I talked to my mom and begged her to drive us there. She accepted and I told my friends that we could go. An hour before we went, my aunt hat works in a company that was sponsoring the concert, told me that she got me a meet and greet! I couldn’t stop crying and shaking! Like really, I was dying! She told me that I couldn’t say anything to anyone until the next day. I cleaned my face and still made my mom drove us to the hotel. We stayed there for 2 hours but we couldn’t see anything, we saw some guys doing things from the window but we didn’t know if it was Justin or not. We didn’t got disappointed because we were excited just to be there, after everyone started going, we left. The next morning I went to school. I talked to Sofia and she told me that her uncle that works in the same company, found her a meet and greet too! We couldn’t believe it! I started to felt dizzy and have stomach pain from the excitement! I felt really sick. My mom made me sleep so the sickness could go away but that didn’t happen. I prepared myself, got everything ready and went to the concert. I got there 4 hours before! We walked down a hill and got into the line of the meet and greet. A white man told us to give to him the things that we wanted to give to Justin because we couldn’t bring anything inside with us. Then we started going inside, and saw Justin, “extremely beautiful” is the only way to describe him. I just could not believe it and still, I can’t. It was our time to take the picture. I went straight to him and told him, “I’m going to hug you because I love you”. He laughed. Sofia was next to me when we took the picture, and she had a terrible cough because of the asma! In the exact time that everyone got quiet, she coughed like a dog, it was really funny! She got to hug Justin too and then we left so the concert could start. At the time we got out, we started screaming like crazy that we met Justin!  -@Marian1008 -@sabiduriasoyyo  Go here to read the rest: My name is Marian and I’ve been a belieber since December…

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My name is Marian and I’ve been a belieber since December…

Iranian Hardliner Students Storm British Embassy in Tehran (Video)


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Iranian students stormed the British Embassy today in Tehran. The hardliners brought down the British flag and threw documents from the window. The AP reported: Dozens of hard-line Iranian students have stormed the British Embassy in Tehran, bringing down the … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 29/11/2011 13:51 Number of articles : 3

Iranian Hardliner Students Storm British Embassy in Tehran (Video)