Florida Judge Said Blacks Should Get On A Boat And Go Back To Africa Well no wonder there’s no justice in the justice system… A Florida circuit judge has been reassigned as formal charges are being levied against him for using the “c-word” to a female attorney AND saying blacks should “go back to Africa.” According to Jacksonville.com reports A state judicial panel has filed formal charges against Jacksonville Circuit Judge Mark Hulsey alleging he used racist and misogynistic language to subordinates. The complaint includes charges that Hulsey, who is paid $146,000 a year, referred to a woman as a “c–t” and said blacks “should go get back on a ship and go back to Africa.” In a statement Hulsey said he’d done nothing wrong and looks forward to clearing his name, but hours after the allegations became public Chief Judge Mark Mahon reassigned Hulsey to the Probate Division. “These allegations are very serious, and if true, very troubling,” Mahon said in a prepared statement.”This is done not to pass judgement on the truth of these charges but to continue the orderly administration of justice. For me to comment any further would not be appropriate.” “These false allegations have been a poorly kept secret hanging over me like a cloud for months,” Hulsey said in emailed remarks Wednesday. “I am pleased the JQC (Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission) has concluded its initial investigation, and that I will now have an opportunity to respond to them in a public forum.” Word of accusations against Hulsey spread well before the commission’s decision. In June, several black pastors asked for Hulsey’s resignation, expressing doubts black defendants could be treated fairly in his court. SMH… Ironically this guy is up for re-election later this year. He was elected in 2010 after a twenty year career as an attorney. Ironically along with him potentially being a racist and a misogynist, he’s also been accused of pushing his work onto his staff attorneys (even during a DEATH PENALTY case!) and exploiting his judicial assistant by having her pay personal bills, write letters and phone people on his behalf. Photo Credit: Bruce Lipsky/Jacksonville.com/Shutterstock
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Florida Judge Reassigned After Saying Blacks Should Take A Ship “Back To Africa”