Tag Archives: icebergs-photo

The MacGyver Approach to Winter Biking (Zip Ties!)

Photo: Dutch Bike Co., used with permission. Low-Cost Solution to Keep On Bikin’ One of the cyclists at Dutch Bike Co was caught without studded tires when it started snowing in Seattle, but no matter, that’s nothing that a box of zip ties can’t fix! This MacGyver trick isn’t new , but now that winter is here, it’s worth bringing up once more…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

Here is the original post:
The MacGyver Approach to Winter Biking (Zip Ties!)

Mega-Icebergs go to South Georgia Island to Die

Photo: NASA, Public domain R.I.P. Some things are so massive that they can only be appreciated from the vantage point of space. Many of the giant icebergs that are breaking off Antarctica are drifting Northward (is there any other direction that you can go to from the South pole?) and getting stuck on the shallow continental shelf that surrounds South Georgia Island. These icebergs are so large, that when they melt, the fresh water that they release in the ocean is enough to alter the local marine ecosystems…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

Originally posted here:
Mega-Icebergs go to South Georgia Island to Die