Tag Archives: idea-at-first

Melissa King Video: How Much Did She Get Paid?

The would-be Miss Delaware Teen USA must have been really hard up for cash, or really bored, because the infamous Melissa King video only paid her $1,500. Melissa King initially denied she’s the one in the XXX video that made the rounds last week, though she later sort of admitted it in a series of re-Tweets. The guys behind the adult site, GirlsDoPorn (dot) com, also posted a release form on their website, in which Melissa identifies herself by name. So it’s totally her. Not that this wasn’t essentially clear already. The truly amazing things about this – beyond the basic, obvious fact that the gorgeous Miss Delaware Teen USA starred in a PORN movie – are that: She said her motive was money , yet she only earned a modest $1,500 Melissa reached out to the site about doing a sex video, not vice versa She wanted to do more , but GDP passed, calling her debut “frigid” Yes … the porn site declined to ask her back for round two. Melissa King Video Melissa King may have been interested in the idea at first, but apparently when it came down to the actual sex, she wasn’t feeling it. So no sequel. The irony? If she wanted to do more porn right now, sites would bend over backwards to have her, but they probably couldn’t afford her anymore. YouPorn offered her $250,000 to be the face of their site – and she doesn’t even have to have sex for that gig! Talk about a shift in market valuation. She resigned as Miss Teen Delaware after the scandal broke, but if Kim Kardashian is any indication, this isn’t a career-ender. Could be the contrary! Meanwhile, GirlsDoPorn says traffic has been so high since the news broke about Melissa King that they had to invest in additional server power.

Originally posted here:
Melissa King Video: How Much Did She Get Paid?