Avril Lavigne’s been in a bikini in the south of France all week, and I already posted some of the pics, cuz I was amazed at how teenaged her divorcee ass looks, I guess that’s what happens when you don’t get knocked up and you get married at 12. Her body, pretty much justified all those years of me laughing at her for dressing like a 14 year old, angry suburban teen into watching the skateboarding dudes pretend they are jackass…cuz that’s what suburban kids do…sure her Shania Twain style music never really justified her suburban, middle class kid, who gets a lift in the Volvo station wagon to soccer practice, despite her hardcore green dyed streak and the number of Blink 182 posters on her wall….but who cares…her ass followed in the same steps as her style and I guess that just makes her legit…. What’s not legit is how her ex-husband, the clown, circus, suburban middle class punk who isn’t really a punk, but a midget elf coming to steal your soul through bad one hit wonder shit, is on the boat with her…cuz I guess you can’t break down the bond that is Canadian….or maybe his girlie emo, hilariously dressed ass just weasled his way into her vagina again….cuz that’s what people do when they have the bond of marriage as a levarging argument. Who fuckign cares about these idiot suburban bullshit scam artists…she’s half naked…that’s what matters…that’s always what matters… To See The Rest of the Pictures FOLLOW THIS LINK
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Avril Lavigne is Still in Her Bikini of the Day